Thursday, 21 August 2014

The squares are learning to share

We are learning to share a number.

We are trying to solve 12 between 3.
There are 3 little people so we are going to take 1 each. Then we take another one.
Then we take another and another. We have 4 each. We have the same! We know we have the right answer because the numbers are all the same.

The circles are learning to share

We are learning to share. Sharing means that everyone has to have the same number.

In the first photo we sharing 9 between 3. To start we need to make 3 piles of 1. Then we get another one. Now we have 2 counters. Then we get another one and that makes 3!Everybody has 3!
In this photo we are learning to solve 18 between 3.
First we need to get one each. Then get another one and we have 2. Then we get another one again. We have 3. We get another one. Now we have 4. Then get another one. That is 5! Then we get another one. That's 6! There are no more so the answer is 6.
The most important thing about sharing is that the numbers have to be the same. 

The triangles are learning how to share

We are learning to share a number. When we share we put the counters into groups. When we share the groups need to be the same.
In these photos we are solving 20 shared into 5 groups. First we have to make 5 piles of 1.
Then we get another one for each pile. We look and see if the piles are the same. Then we check we have more counters. Then we put another one in every pile. Then we check if they are the same. We still have more counters so we get another one in every pile. We keep going until the piles are the same. We have 4 in each pile
The most important thing about sharing is that the piles are the same. 

Thursday, 14 August 2014

Hail storm!

We just had a hail storm INSIDE room 1!

We heard it first. It sounded like a rain storm. Then hail came down from roof! It came down on the floor. Some of the pieces were really big! So Mrs Whatford told us to go under the tables to be protected from the ice. We were safe under the tables.

It was scary BUT exciting. We haven't had an ice storm inside before!

Then we went outside to look at all the ice and hail. There was lots of it! It looked like it had been snowing.

Mrs Whatford took a cup outside and got some hail for us to look at. It was a circle/ball shape. It was cold! When it got warm it melted!

Monday, 11 August 2014

The Circles are learning their facts to 10

Facts to 10 means the 2 numbers that add up to 10

Jazlyn is showing that 7 and 3 make 10. "You put 7 on one side and you have 3 on the other side then 7 and 3 makes 10".

Ardomi is showing that 9 and 1 make 10. "You put 9 on one side and 1 on that side and it is 10".

Jazlyn and Ardomi are showing that 6 and 4 makes 10.

Coconut Scraping

Last week was Cook Island Language week. Tua came in on Thursday to help us. She helped us to scrape a coconut. Ardomi from room 1 had a turn. He has to sit down on the stool. On the chair was something to help us scrape the coconut. Ardomi had to turn the coconut on the scraper to scrape the white inside of the coconut out. Afterwards we got to try some coconut. Sirrahmina didn't like it. Sapphire and Fazil did like it. It tasted like coconut!
Tua squeezed the coconut until the coconut milk came out. She put the coconut milk into a teapot. There was also hot water and lemon leaves in the pot. The made a nice drink. The drink tasted like coconut, juice, and sugar. We all liked the lemon tea. We could also have a piece of donut or a piece of coconut bread. Sapphire said the bread was sweet. We had lots of fun!

The Triangles are skip counting in 5's

When we skip count in 5's we count in 5's. We don't count every number. We do count like this - 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45,50, 55, 60, 65, 70, 75, 80, 85, 90, 95, 100
We start with 5. Then 10. Then 15. Then 20. In the photo we are using an abacus. But we use a 100's board to help us. We could also use our hands if we had enough!
We could also skip count in 2's and 10's! We would like to learn how to skip count in 10's next!

By Eden and Nate

Friday, 8 August 2014

The triangles are skip counting in 2s

The squares are skip counting in 2s

Sirrahmina is skip counting in 2's
Neta is skip counting in 2's
To skip count in 2's you say a number and then another number. The first number you say is 2. The next number is 4. You don't say 3! You could skip count in 2's all the way up to 100!

We can be tricky and skip count in 4's!

Wednesday, 6 August 2014

Making a cake

One morning last week Ms OHare came into room 1. She had a surprise for us. She wanted us to help room 4 to make a chocolate cake. We sat around the art table. It was a bit of a squash!
First we put the chocolate cake mix into the bowl. It wasn't really a bowl, it was a white plastic container. Next we put in the eggs.
Next we put in the butter. Ms OHare melted the butter first. We wonder if she used the oven or the microwave?!
We all had a turn at stirring. We counted to 5 while everyone stirred. We counted to 20 while Ms OHare and Mrs Whatford stirred!
We poured the mixture into a cake tin. It looked like a chocolate waterfall.
Ms OHare put the icing on top of the cake. Miss Camille cut the cake. Mrs Whatford put the slices onto paper towels so we wouldn't make a mess.

Then we ate it! It was yum! It tasted like chocolate.

Making Rakau

Last week we made some rakau with room 5. We walked down to room 5 to make the rakau. We went to room 5 because they have more people and a bigger classroom.

The older kids helped us to make our rakau. We drew the pictures to go on our rakau. It was really noisy in room 5 because there was lots of loud talking about our learning.
We all had 2 rakau when we finished.
After we had finished we started pracising with room 5. Room 5 kids could do cool stuff like throw and flick and catch them. We are learning to do that now. When we throw we have to make sure that we don't throw them too high or they might hit us in the face. We don't want our rakau touching the roof, either! They might get stuck.
We then practised our rakau with the whole of room 1 and room 5. It was fun and cool. We are pratising our rakau in class now. We are getting really good at it.

Friday, 1 August 2014

The Squares are learning to...

The Squares are learning to double! Doubling is fun! We double by getting one teddy bear and then getting another teddy bear so that we have doubled our teddy bears.
If you have three teddy bears you need to get another 3 teddy bears. The answer is 6 teddy bears.
We don't always use teddy bears. We could use bottle lids, our fingers, we could even double monkeys!
We are super smart at doubling!