Monday, 26 May 2014

B is for Bubbles part 2

After making bubbles we decided to make our own bubble makers. We used pipe cleaners.

We were really proud of them!

We tried using them to blow bubbles.

What is Mr H doing there?!

Some worked and some didn't. We still had fun!

Wednesday, 21 May 2014

M is for Marshmallow

We decided to see what would happen if we put marshmallows in water.
 Yummy! But they aren't for us to eat!
 Our teacher thought we should put some marshmallows in hot water, and some in cold. We thought that was a good idea!

 Then we waited.

 The marshmallows in the hot water went away quicker than the ones in cold water. They dissolved faster.

E is for Eggs

E is for Eggs

For this letter of the week we decided to see what would happen if we put an egg in vinegar.

 We checked the egg everyday. We were really excited to see what had happened!
 We could see bubbles on the shell.
 We kept checking. It took a long time for anything to happen because the egg was from a chicken that makes eggs with thick shells.

 After 5 days we saw that the shell had disappeared! We decided that the vinegar had dissolved the shell. We could see brown stuff at the top of the vinegar, and we think that is where the shell went.

Tuesday, 20 May 2014

B is for Bubbles

On Monday we made bubbles with different things from the kitchen.

We had a slotted spoon, a dishwasher part, a pasta strainer, and some egg beaters. We also borrowed Miss Camille's fly swats.

We mixed water and dishwashing liquid in 3 trays.
 Then we went outside and experimented!

 We thought the fly swats worked the best!